PCS’s recent involvement with a 39 bed residential home just outside Norwich and a 50 bed dual registered home in the centre of Plymouth has led to both home having their embargo lifted, receiving much improved CQC reports and having their embargo’s lifted.
The home in Norwich had a long history of none compliance and had previously had a Notice of Proposal to cancel Registration in 2016. PCS were introduced by Ridouts solicitors in April 2018 following a Notice of Decision to cancel registration received following an inspection in February 2018 when the home was rated “Inadequate”
The home was embargoed by the Local Authority and had a requirement in place to report Accident, Incidents and Safeguarding referrals to CQC on a weekly basis.
Two weeks input from 3 members of the team followed by weekly visits by the Director Philippa Williamson, Philippa also became Nominated Individual for the home 26.6.18
Philippa supported the Manager to implement changes to the care plans and risk assessments, governance was improved with the introduction of monthly meetings, robust auditing and action being taken in a timely manner when issues were identified. The environment was refurbished and monthly compliance reports were shared with the Directors.
The home was inspected 17th and 18th September and the home is now rated “Good”, the embargo lifted and reporting requirements removed.
The home in Plymouth received an Inadequate report following an inspection 14 and 15th November 201,7 following an introduction by the bank Philippa Williamson became Nominated Individual for the home 27.12.17 and a Notice of Proposal to cancel registration was received on 24.1.18. There was a requirement on the registration for the service to submit monthly Action Plans to CQC particularly reporting on care plans, medication and audits. The home had a self- imposed embargo in place throughout this period of time.
The home was jointly registered as a Nursing and Residential Home, the nursing element was considered to be high risk and a joint decision was made with the Directors to deregister nursing. This was achieved by 31.3.18 with clients moving to local homes in the vicinity and staff going through as redundancy process. This strategy is high risk and has to have long term financial support from all stakeholders. Occupancy and staffing were reduced by half while overheads remained static.
The Head of Care was promoted to acting manager and subsequently achieved Registered Manager, care plans and risk assessments were all rewritten, all documentation and systems reviewed and revised, audits implements and streamlined.
Governance systems were implemented and the culture transformed. The home was re inspected in 16 and 18 July 2018, the overall rating is now “Requires Improvement” with three Good and two Required Improvement ratings, this is the best report received in 5 years.
The home is now accepting admissions and occupancy is increasing at a higher rate than projected with at least 2 referrals being received weekly and is now profit making.